SM-G920T PF1 write imei cert done

Samsung S6 T-Mobile Sm-G920T nhận ở tình trạng IMEI 350000
Octopus làm 1 hồi rồi cũng ok write imei cert Sm-G920T PF1 ok 
SM-G920T PF1 write imei cert done

Platform: Samsung Android
Selected port: COM35
Selected model: SM-G920T
Selected file: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\cert-sm-g920t_359362060124295_r58g31hj5qm.cert
Please, press "OK" button on the phone to allow USB debugging..
Detected phone model: SM-G920T
Firmware compiled date: Tue Jun 7 19:40:24 KST 2016
PDA version: G920TUES4DPF1
CSC version: G920TXAR4DPF1
SW version: G920TUES4DPF1
Phone SN: 00000000000
Android version: 6.0.1 (MMB29K)
Sales code: XAR
Country: USA
HW platform: exynos5
HW Chip: exynos7420
HW Modem: SHANNON333
Codename: zeroflteue
Checking Root:
Phone is Rooted.
Reading security backup, please wait...
Backup saved as C:\Program Files (x86)\Octoplus\Octoplus_Samsung\BACKUP\Security-SM-G920T-Unknown22-09-2016_22-07-35-.asec file
Checking Certificate file...
Certificate file successfully checked
Deactivating MSL...
Executing exploit...
Exploit has been executed successfully 
Certificate has been written successfully
Please, restart the phone to apply changes
Performed by 2.3.6 software version

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